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About Me

About Me


Hey, I am Michelle!

A bit about me and why health and wellness is so important to me and the reason why I want to share what I have learnt with as many people as possible.


I live in a lovely little cottage in Norfolk, and I am lucky enough to have a wonderful, very supportive family and lots of amazing friends. I am only small and love cuddles, animals, house plants, tattoos, films, music, a good tv series and nice food (prob should have been honest and put food after the animals haha).

I’ve been poorly now since 2011 from a virus possibly caused by a bite of some sort (in Thailand) which triggered my EDS. EDS I was born with but my symptoms were fairly fine until this time. so what is ED.........

Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS) is a group of rare inherited conditions that affect connective tissue. 

I now have a very severe ME among many of other auto immune diseases, which include plantar fasciitis, endometriosis, IBS and lots of other stomach problems, a bad bladder and symptoms of lupus, rheumatoid arthritis zero negative arthritis and fibromyalgia................ Yep I'm falling apart haha!

I moved to Norfolk for a quieter calmer lifestyle and have never felt like I belonged as much as I do here. The only downfall of course is missing family and my Essex friends even though I have wonderful new ones here too. I especially miss my nieces and nephews. I miss seeing them grow into the wonderful people they are already becoming. 

I have two lovely rescue cats Narla (with a wonky tail) and her brother Khan (who has no tail at all bless him)  Adopting them has been the best thing I’ve ever done! You are never alone when you have an animal with you.

Thanks so much for popping onto my website and please feel free to ask me anything!


Natural Bloom Lodge


What can I say about my beautiful space I'm lucky enough to have!

The cabin is an instant relaxation and calming room in my garden.

Its warm feeling is not only created from the amazing power and energy of the reiki, crystals and other treatments, but from the magic that's gone into creating this wonderful area.

Everything in this space, including the cabin itself, has been built from hope and support, I've been soooo lucky to have been given incredible amounts of help, so many gifts and crazy amounts of time and dedication.

I can not begin to tell you how much LOVE is in here.

Neals Yard

Neals Yard Remedy Organics


These beautiful blue bottled products are completely natural and as organic as they can be.

One of the things I love most about the Neals Yard company is that they are involved in local communities and find charitable ways to give back to their supporters.

My personal favourite products include a range that is dedicated to helping to save our wonderful bees! Their mission is to help save the planet too. All their products are made with ethically sourced ingredients and handmade in the UK.

Of course, above all is the well-being of us and our beautiful skin. Neals Yard’s symbol of the tree represents our outer beauty which should be in equal balance to our inner health.  The branches represent your outer beauty nurtured by the skin products. The roots represent the goodness your body absorbs deep inside from the goodness you are putting on.

How NYRO helped me… 

When I visited Breakspear hospital one of the first things they advised me to do was to go as completely natural and clean as I could with everything. I had used Neals Yard before and always loved their products but didn’t realise how good they were for your body from a health perspective. My skin had reached the stage where it was so itchy and sore all the time with dry patches, eczema and a rash across my cheeks (like rosacea) from my lupus symptoms.

Within one week of switching over to these lovely products I noticed a difference. The first thing I noticed was when lying in bed, the sheets wouldn’t hurt as they brushed against me.  Slowly everything improved. I now have my natural glow back and no patches of eczema. I will always have my lovely rosy cheeks but now they just look like I use a good quality blusher!

It was a slow process switching over to everything, shampoos face/body creams and essential oils but now I couldn’t manage without them.

I’m so grateful to the company for what they stand for and the good they do for me, the planet, and charities.

Starting an account with them was one of the best things I ever did.  You get so much free training. It is amazing learning about inner health, and I have gained so much.  I get my discount on my favourite blue bottles and I get to share the love!


Become a Neal’s Yard Consultant

To join as a Neal’s yard consultant please message me and I can talk you through all the benefits
There is no monthly cost and you don’t need to reach any targets. You can build your own business at the speed you want. You may want to just sell to family and friends and that’s ok. If you do want to build a Neal’s Yard Business then I will be on hand to help you with this every step of the way.



I have the full range of products and I can bring these to events at venues. You can also have your own private event in your gardens or in your home with friends. It is especially lovely to do a small pamper event with friends. This gives you a chance to try all of the products before you buy them. Contact me to book your event soon.


If you know what products you want you can buy these lovely products through me by contacting me directly or by using the following link:


If you order your lovely blue bottles through me I will explain how to use each product properly and productively.
I will also regularly send you offers and you will receive some free samples and occasionally gifts for your loyalty in supporting my small business.


What is Reiki?

Reiki is about unblocking negative energies and traumas creating a more balanced you.

It is a gentle way of helping your body to heal and take exactly what energy it needs from the universe (or where you believe it comes from, for me it’s the universe) using me as verses if you like.

It is also a wonderful experience for me, and it is all about connection. I can feel the energy flow through and so it is completely uplifting for me as well. If I was to personally describe the feelings of Reiki it’s quite simply….LOVE!

That warm bright light kind of love. You come out feeling completely relaxed and uplifted.


How Reiki helped me

Everything changed for me once I started to train in Reiki. Not only do I have the most wonderful friend and Reiki Master (the lovely Pammy) but I feel I have found what I am supposed to be doing, helping others. Pammy has helped and guided me every step of the way. Hairdressing was the start for me, helping to create confidence for people with their outer beauty but healing from the inside from products and natural remedies is where it really jumps out at you. There is no better glow than the natural one from the inside. Reiki not only helped me through pain at times and through severe ME flair ups, but it calms my mind and soul. I’m such a worrier (the kind that worries if I have nothing to worry about) and meditation isn’t always for me though I do very much enjoy it through yoga. I honestly feel my whole journey has led me to where I am now.

Experience your own Reiki Session

I am a fully qualified Reiki Practitioner. If you would like some more information, or to book a Reiki session with me then please contact me. I would love to give you a treatment so you too can receive the benefit from this amazing energy source.

Reiki Treatment

Reiki x


Magnetix is a company that make beautiful Magnetic Jewellery and Wellness Products.

These amazing products are the natural way of helping ease pain, calm your mind and help you sleep.

It is different for everyone. For some it is an instant relief.

For others it can take 6 months before they notice the difference, but boy is it worth it!

How it works is the magnets help your blood and your iron circulate round your body better.

Pain often comes from inflammation so by getting your blood circulating better you are taking down the inflammation.

they are just incredible!

How Magnetix helped me

I have to admit my body has always been a quick reactor.  That could be in a good way or in a bad way. When I first tried the magnets, it only took an hour before I could feel a difference. I know crazy right! I just couldn’t believe it.

At the time I had been experiencing a big flair of my rheumatoid arthritis and lupus symptoms and of course my ever-faithful energy sucking ME.  I had been in bed for weeks again which I really thought I had come away from. I couldn’t put much pressure at all on my left foot.

I was so lucky to be introduced to Magnetix Wellness. The first products I tried was a bracelet (magnet), a necklace (magnet and negative iron) and then the insoles for my shoes (magnets).

I can honestly say I can walk again and it’s wonderful! I was so delighted that I became a distributor, and I am now introducing lots of people to the benefits of Magnetix Wellness.

I can’t walk very far and can’t do this every day but what an amazing start. I couldn’t run a marathon but just to be back out of bed and off the sofa is wonderful. I can now manage a few good days a week still being very careful of course but man what a difference from spending all week in bed!

I often have pain but if it is a bad flair up, I feel sick and dizzy from the second I wake up in the morning until I get back in my bed.  I am convinced this is caused by pain. Once I tried the magnets that sick feeling went in that first hour! I’ve also noticed they seem to put me into a much deeper sleep which helps heal us all.


Ordering your Magnetix

Contact me for a brochure or to find out more information about Magnetix.  You too can be the proud owner of these amazing Magnetix products. It might be jewellery or a magnetic stick to energise your drinking water. There are also lots of CBD products available to order. I can give you help and advice on what is best for you. Contact me to find out more.

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies


Juice Plus

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